What's New
7th April 2009Asbru Web Content Editor v7.0.23 releasedAsbru Web Content Editor v7.0.23 has been released. This version of the
cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor for Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla and Safari web browsers adds:
- Improved handling of PRE tags and pre-formatted content.
- Improved handling of SCRIPT tags and Javascript program code content.
- Improved handling of "<% ... %>", "" and "" tags and program code.
- Added "webeditor.encodeCharCodes = false;" configuration option to disable encoding of special and unknown characters.
- Added "webeditor.encodeUnknownCharCodes = false;" configuration option to disable encoding of unknown characters.
- Improved handling of clipboard access errors (MSIE).
- Improved handling of URLs in dragged and dropped content (MSIE).
- Improved spell checking of international character set content (.NET).
- Fixed web browser language preference detection (.NET).
24th November 2008Asbru Web Content Editor v7.0.20 releasedAsbru Web Content Editor v7.0.20 has been released. This version of the
cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor for Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla and Safari web browsers adds:
- Improved SCRIPT tag handling.
- Improved table cell splitting.
- Various other improvements.
27th October 2008Asbru Web Content Editor v7.0.19 releasedAsbru Web Content Editor v7.0.19 has been released. This version of the
cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor for Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla and Safari web browsers adds:
- Improved handling of special characters.
- Improved file upload (ASP.NET / Microsoft Internet Explorer).
- Improved dynamic activation/deactivation of web content editor input fields.
- Added "webeditor.undo == false;" configuration option to use default web browser undo/redo functionality.
- Added "webeditor_stylesheet = "/common/default.css";" configuration option for automatic TEXTAREA input fields replacement.
- Added Joomla plugin support for sub-folder and multi-site installations (Reinstall Joomla plugin) (Joomla v1.5.x).
- Various other improvements.
30th June 2008Asbru Web Content Editor v7.0.18 releasedAsbru Web Content Editor v7.0.18 has been released. This version of the
cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor for Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla and Safari web browsers adds:
- Added Joomla plugin Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 support.
- Added Joomla plugin custom toolbar and Javascript functions configuration parameters.
- Improved Aspell spell checking support.
- Improved table cell splitting.
- Improved HTML/XML comment tag handling.
- Improved Enter handling (Safari).
- Improved list handling (Safari).
- Various other improvements.
17th March 2008Asbru Web Content Editor v7.0.17 releasedAsbru Web Content Editor v7.0.17 has been released. This version of the
cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor for Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla and Safari web browsers adds:
- Improved ASP.NET support (ASP.NET).
- Added ASP.NET UpgradePanel example web page (ASP.NET).
- Various other improvements.
3rd March 2008Asbru Web Content Editor v7.0.16 releasedAsbru Web Content Editor v7.0.16 has been released. This version of the
cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor for Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla and Safari web browsers adds:
- Improved third-party web application support.
- Various other improvements.
17th February 2008Asbru Web Content Editor v7.0.15 releasedAsbru Web Content Editor v7.0.15 has been released. This version of the
cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor for Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla and Safari web browsers adds:
- Improved Quicktime movie handling.
- Improved copy and paste link handling.
- Improved German language translation.
- Improved font size handling (Safari).
4th February 2008Asbru Web Content Editor v7.0.14 releasedAsbru Web Content Editor v7.0.14 has been released. This version of the
cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor for Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla and Safari web browsers adds:
- Added Joomla v1.5 support.
- Added webeditor.shortenLocalURLsRegExp configuration setting to repair link and image URLs, which may have been modified by the web browser.
- Added webeditor.strip configuration setting to strip unwanted HTML tags and attributes from the edited content.
- Added optional, compressed Javascript files.
- Various other improvements.
7th January 2008Asbru Web Content Editor v7.0.13 releasedAsbru Web Content Editor v7.0.13 has been released. This version of the
cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor for Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla and Safari web browsers adds:
- Improved AJAX / Dynamic HTML compatibility (Safari).
- Various other improvements.
7th December 2007Asbru Web Content Editor v7.0.12 releasedAsbru Web Content Editor v7.0.12 has been released. This version of the
cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor for Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla and Safari web browsers adds:
- Improved compatibility with third-party Javascript applications.
- Improved HTML/XHTML output (Safari).
- Fixed $ character handling problem (Microsoft Internet Explorer).
- Various other improvements.
3rd December 2007Asbru Web Content Editor v7.0.11 releasedAsbru Web Content Editor v7.0.11 has been released. This version of the
cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor for Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla and Safari web browsers adds:
- Added support for Safari 3.
- Improved compatibility with third-party Javascript applications.
- Added workaround for table cell alignment error (Microsoft Internet Explorer).
- Improved handling of relative URLs (Microsoft Internet Explorer).
- Improved absolute positioning (Microsoft Internet Explorer).
- Improved performance (Microsoft Internet Explorer).
- Various other improvements.
28th October 2007Asbru Web Content Editor v7.0.10 releasedAsbru Web Content Editor v7.0.10 has been released. This version of the
cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor for Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla and Safari web browsers adds:
- Added "webeditor.default_formatclass", "webeditor.default_formatblock", "webeditor.default_fontname" and "webeditor.default_fontsize" configuration parameters for default style, format font name and font size drop-down menu texts.
- Added automatic Clean HTML Code functionality.
- Added "webeditor.autoclean*" configuration parameters for automatic Clean HTML Code functionality.
- Added "webeditor.removeformat*" configuration parameters for Remove Format functionality.
- Added "webeditor.initTimeout*" content initialization parameters.
- Improved backwards parameter compatibility.
- Improved hiding of drop-down menus.
- Improved HTML tag attribute handling.
- Improved selection range handling.
- Improved onEnter handling (Mozilla).
- Various other improvements.
12th August 2007Asbru Web Content Editor v7.0.9 releasedAsbru Web Content Editor v7.0.9 has been released. This version of the
cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor for Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla and Safari web browsers adds:
- Added "webeditor.disabled" flag to disable all web content editor toolbars and input fields.
- Improved web content editor input field focus handling (Microsoft Internet Explorer).
- Improved "onEnter" customization (Safari).
- Various other improvements.
24th Juli 2007Asbru Web Content Editor v7.0.8 releasedAsbru Web Content Editor v7.0.8 has been released. This version of the
cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor for Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla and Safari web browsers adds:
- Improved file upload handling.
- Improved NOSCRIPT tag handling.
- Improved DOM Inspector selection.
- Improved simple file editor example.
- Improved webeditor location detection.
- Improved spell checking (JSP).
- Improved language preferences handling (PHP).
- Improved OBJECT/EMBED tag handling (Microsoft Internet Explorer).
- Improved image drag & drop handling (Mozilla).
- Improved content selection handling (Safari).
- Improved handling of multiple web content editor toolbars and input fields (Safari).
- Various other improvements.
2nd Juli 2007Asbru Web Content Editor v7.0.7 releasedAsbru Web Content Editor v7.0.7 has been released. This version of the
cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor for Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla and Safari web browsers adds:
- Improved handling of drop-down menus.
- Improved handling of multiple web content editor input fields.
- Improved content insert/paste (Microsoft Internet Explorer).
- Added WebEditorActivate/WebEditorEnable Javascript programming API function.
- Added WebEditorDeactivate/WebEditorDisable Javascript programming API function.
- Added WebEditorFocus Javascript programming API function.
- Added WebEditorToolbarRefresh Javascript programming API function.
- Added WebEditorGetContentSelectionContainer Javascript programming API function.
- Added webeditor_custom_event Javascript programming API function.
- Various other improvements.
13th June 2007Asbru Web Content Editor v7.0.6 releasedAsbru Web Content Editor v7.0.6 has been released. This version of the
cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor for Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla and Safari web browsers adds:
- Improved HTML comments handling.
- Improved horizontal rule handling.
- Added support for Safari 3 Public Beta.
- Fixed toolbar icon problem (Safari).
- Fixed href="/" src="/" background="/" tag attributes problem (Microsoft Internet Explorer).
- Various other improvements.
20th May 2007Asbru Web Content Editor v7.0.5 releasedAsbru Web Content Editor v7.0.5 has been released. This version of the
cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor for Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla and Safari web browsers adds:
- Improved spell checking.
- Improved content deletion (Microsoft Internet Explorer).
- Added
WebEditorActivate/WebEditorEnable and
WebEditorDeactivate/WebEditorDisable Javascript programming API
functions for dynamic activation/deactivation of web content editor
input fields.
8th May 2007Asbru Web Content Editor v7.0.4 releasedAsbru Web Content Editor v7.0.4 has been released. This version of the
cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor for Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla and Safari web browsers adds:
- Fixed custom toolbar button problem.
- Updated custom toolbar drop-down selector example.
- Added custom toolbar drop-down selector developer guide section.
- Improved dynamic web content editor creation, initialisation and deletion.
- Improved Netscape compatibility (Netscape).
- Fixed preview problem (ColdFusion).
- Fixed Insert Hyperlink problem (JSP).
- Improved language preferences cookie handling (JSP).
- Fixed Mambo/Joomla mambot problem.
29th April 2007Asbru Web Content Editor v7.0.3 releasedAsbru Web Content Editor v7.0.3 has been released. This version of the
cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor for Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla and Safari web browsers adds:
- Improved font name handling.
- Improved "Enter" and text selection handling (Microsoft Internet Explorer).
- Improved Mambo/Joomla mambot.
- Various other improvements.
21st April 2007Asbru Web Content Editor v7.0.2 releasedAsbru Web Content Editor v7.0.2 has been released. This version of the
cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor for Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla and Safari web browsers adds:
- Improved style sheet classes and colours handling.
- Improved compatibility with Javascript frameworks/libraries.
- Improved Microsoft Visual Studio / Web Developer compatibility (ASP.NET).
- Improved context menus (Safari).
- Various other improvements.

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