What's New
21st October 2019Asbru Web Content Editor v11.1.3 releasedAsbru Web Content Editor v11.1.3 has been released. This version of the
cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor for Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla, Safari and Chrome web browsers adds:
- Added support for iOS 13.
- Added DOM Inspector display of attributes for parent/ancestor tags (on mouse over).
- Improved handling of font family/size.
- Improved text selection handling.
- Fixed image selection handling.
- Added default "manager" program files.
- Fixed missing Javascript function error.
- Fixed paths handling (PHP).
- Various other improvements.
5th August 2019Asbru Web Content Editor v11.1.2 releasedAsbru Web Content Editor v11.1.2 has been released. This version of the
cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor for Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla, Safari and Chrome web browsers adds:
- Fixed paged/gallery icons/links position over long names.
- Added additional web content editor initialisation debugging.
- Added web content editor support for iOS 11 and 12.
- Fixed createlink modal size.
- Fixed "webeditor.modal.css" path.
- Adjusted iPad overlay width/position.
- Fixed paste clipboard handling (Chrome).
- Fixed media preview after file upload.
- Fixed selector preview before/after file upload.
- Fixed (not) setting title for multiple files.
- Replaced content selector, insert media, insert hyperlink folder tree component to handle thousands of groups/types in MSIE 11.
- Added webeditor special configuration to also extract non-generic stylesheet class names.
- Added additional debugging output.
- Disabled reload of "empty"/stylesheet on initTimeout.
- Added automatic setting of image width and height attributes default values.
- Improved window drop-down menus scroll handling.
- Improved content selection handling (Chrome/Safari).
- Improved handling of "junk" content (MSIE 11).
- Improved "unlink" (MSIE 11).
- Added web editor image resizing.
- Added HTML entity encoding of UTF 3/4-byte characters (in addition to existing HTML entity encoding of unknown UTF 2-byte characters).
- Fixed web editor handling of href/src URLs.
- Added special configuration settings to only HTML entity encode UTF 3/4-byte characters (webeditor.encodeUnknownCharCodes = false; webeditor.encodeSurrogatePairCharCodes = true;).
- Fixed initial hiding of image resizer handles.
- Various other improvements.
31th July 2018Asbru Web Content Editor v11 releasedAsbru Web Content Editor v11 has been released. This version of the
cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor for Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla, Safari and Chrome web browsers adds:
- Added 'webeditor.useTableCSS = true' experimental setting for use of CSS STYLE attributes instead of WIDTH and HEIGHT attributes etc. on TABLE tags etc.
Added workaround for inserting/deleting last empty LI in UL list.
- Added web content editor support for "webeditor_custom_init" function.
- Added web content editor "webeditor.fixExeccommandIndentSublist_DOM" special configuration flag.
- Added additional web content editor initialisation debugging.
- Added use of overlays instead of pop-up windows as default.
- Added web content editor support for iOS 11 and iOS 12.
- Improved deletion of table row with merged cells.
- Improved bullet/numbered list handling.
- Improved striktehrough/bold/italic/underline toggling.
- Improved list selection handling.
- Disabled "mark" for selection across multiple table cells.
- Fixed indentation of partial content.
- Fixed Insert Media indirect links.
- Fixed selector handling of UTF-8 characters.
- Fixed copy & paste handling of alternating internal and external content.
- Fixed handling of CTRL-C/CTRL-X copy/cut.
- Fixed handling of closed/unclosed P tags.
- Fixed formatting of unclosed P tags.
- Fixed selection handling across multiple table cells.
- Fixed table split cells.
- Fixed handling of empty container tags such as STRONG.
- Added webeditor.forceDivP special configuration to force output of <P> on Enter inside DIV (MSIE 11).
- Added workarounds for handling lists inside DIV (MSIE 11).
- Added workarounds for editing lists (MSIE 11).
- Added support for multi-level DL lists (MSIE 11).
- Improved selection handling (Chrome).
- Improved list indentation (Mozilla).
- Improved creation of new list inside DIV/P in existing list (MSIE 11).
- Fixed copy and paste (Chrome).
- Fixed form attribute access issues (MSIE 11).
- Fixed crash / handling of unfinished loading of style sheet (MSIE 11).
- Fixed table cell alignment (MSIE 11).
- Fixed handling of "SCRIPT3: Member not found" error (MSIE 11).
- Fixed clearing of STYLE attributes (MSIE 11).
- Fixed inability to focus TH/TD containing just a P (MSIE 11).
- Fixed cursor positioning on ENTER in empty LI (MSIE 11).
- Fixed deletion of selected empty leading/trailing tags on insertion of HTML code (MSIE 11).
- Fixed missing render/refresh after applying FONT FACE/SIZE to plain text in P tag (MSIE 11).
- Fixed Chrome/Safari handling of multi table cell selection (Chrome/Safari).
- Fixed paste clipboard handling (Chrome).
- Various other improvements.
19th July 2017Asbru Web Content Editor v10.1.3 releasedAsbru Web Content Editor v10.1.3 has been released. This version of the
cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor for Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla, Safari and Chrome web browsers adds:
Improved Insert Hyperlink, Insert Media and Select Content rename functionality.
- Removed "selected" attribute from datalist options.
- Fixed insert at start of text node inside container.
- Fixed Microsoft Word cleaning of "escaped" HTML comments.
- Improved Insert Media form inputs.
- Fixed Insert Media rename functionality.
- Fixed Insert Hyperlink rename functionality.
- Fixed format over existing partial format.
- Fixed colour selector (MSIE11).
- Fixed selection handling (Firefox/Safari/Chrome).
- Fixed Content Builder handling of special codes.
- Added line numbering and syntax highlighting etc. for HTML code view.
- Added justify DOM handling.
- Added split-wrapping of "phrasing content" text-level tags.
- Changed/fixed "mark" handling.
- Improved handling of ENTER in web content editor dropdown inputs.
- Synchronised handling across web browsers.
- Fixed various web editor selection handling issues.
- Fixed web editor handling of toolbar in frame.
- Fixed formatblock on text node before or after other formatblock node so that new formatblock node not placed inside existing formatblock node (Chrome).
- Fixed copy/paste (MSIE 11).
- Fixed Clean HTML (MSIE 11).
- Added optional webeditor.bodyAppendBlank and webeditor.bodyAppendBR and webeditor.bodyAppendBRBR (MSIE 11).
- Fixed Show HTML mode (iOS 10).
- Improved Bullet/Numbered List handling.
- Improved preview handling of image file upload for web browsers with "file://" restrictions.
- Improved image selection (Chrome/Safari).
- Fixed handling of editor/toolbar in FRAMESET.
- Fixed Insert Anchor handling (MSIE 11).
- Various other improvements.
6th January 2017Asbru Web Content Editor v10.0.6 releasedAsbru Web Content Editor v10.0.6 has been released. This version of the
cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor for Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla, Safari and Chrome web browsers adds:
- Added support for Apple iPad and iPhone iOS 10.
- Improved workaround for formatblock.
- Fixed selection handling for AUDIO tags.
- Fixed spellchecking.
- Added spellcheck delay (JSP).
- Added removal of inserted SPAN FONT-SIZE tags on BACKSPACE (Chrome/Safari).
- Improved handling of justify (Chrome/Safari).
- Improved handling of formatblock (Chrome/Safari).
- Fixed selection handling (Chrome/Safari).
- Fixed reverse selection handling (Chrome/Safari).
- Fixed submenu positioning (Firefox/MSIE).
- Added language settings for ribbon toolbar tab and group names.
- Added web content editor input DOCTYPE dependent on web content editor HTML format.
- Improved web editor context menu positioning.
- Fixed Chrome/Safari context menu positioning.
- Improved handling of Enter output.
- Improved handling of content selections.
- Improved Remove Format merging of HTML tags.
- Fixed positioning of context menus.
- Fixed use of ribbon for "-DEFAULT-" toolbar.
- Fixed web editor toolbar dropdown positioning.
- Fixed imagemap handling of large images (Chrome/Safari).
- Various other improvements.
27th June 2016Asbru Web Content Editor v10 releasedAsbru Web Content Editor v10 has been released. This version of the
cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor for Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla, Safari and Chrome web browsers adds:
- Added default use of Microsoft Office ribbon-style toolbars.
- Added use of "X-Frame-Options: sameorigin" for clickjacking prevention support.
- Added View List and View Gallery options for Insert Hyperlink / Images.
- Improved preview for Insert Hyperlink / Images.
- Added View List and View Gallery options for Insert Media / Images.
- Added support for Left-To-Right and Right-To-Left editing for inline-editing mode.
- Added workaround for broken Enter functionality for heading tags (Firefox).
- Added workaround for broken unlink functionality for anchor tags (Firefox).
- Added workaround for broken/limited Bulleted List, Numbered List, Indent and Outdent functionality (MSIE 11).
- Added workaround for image selection problem (Chrome/Safari).
- Various other improvements.
29th February 2016Asbru Web Content Editor v9.2.6 releasedAsbru Web Content Editor v9.2.7 has been released. This version of the
cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor for Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla, Safari and Chrome web browsers adds:
- Improved cleaning/shortening of web browser expanded URLs.
- Fixed bookmarking for insert INPUT tags.
- Fixed handling of select all keyboard shortcut.
- Added find/cut/copy/paste keyboard shortcut alert (Firefox) (MSIE).
- Fixed find functionality (Firefox) (MSIE).
- Improved handling of completely empty content (Firefox) (MSIE 11).
- Fixed justify left/center/right/full DIV container handling (Firefox).
- Improved handling of "backspace" (MSIE).
- Improved handling of deletion of all content (MSIE).
- Improved selection handling (Chrome/Safari) (MSIE).
- Fixed handling of "enter" (MSIE).
- Fixed selection of INPUT nodes (MSIE 11).
- Fixed handling of empty content (MSIE 11).
- Fixed MSIE 11 table merge (MSIE 11).
- Fixed View HTML textarea size for MSIE 11 in MSIE 9 document mode (MSIE 11).
- Increased padding (Chrome/Safari).
- Fixed Chrome handling of "find" alert (Chrome/Safari).
- Fixed custom output on Enter (Chrome/Safari).
- Various other improvements.
21st September 2015Asbru Web Content Editor v9.2.6 releasedAsbru Web Content Editor v9.2.6 has been released. This version of the
cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor for Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla, Safari and Chrome web browsers adds:
- Added support for iOS 9.
- Fixed default colour (MSIE).
- Fixed Insert Imagemap (MSIE).
- Fixed Insert Hyperlink, Insert Media, Select Content margin/padding allowance (Chrome) (Edge).
- Various other improvements.
17th August 2015Asbru Web Content Editor v9.2.5 releasedAsbru Web Content Editor v9.2.5 has been released. This version of the
cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor for Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla, Safari and Chrome web browsers adds:
- Added Microsoft Windows 10 Edge web browser support.
- Various other improvements.
1st August 2015Asbru Web Content Editor v9.2.4 releasedAsbru Web Content Editor v9.2.4 has been released. This version of the
cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor for Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla, Safari and Chrome web browsers adds:
- Improved Insert Hyperlink and Insert Media functionality for Apple iOS.
- Added spell checking support for web browsers with "X-XSS-Protection" protection enabled.
- Fixed spell checking issue.
- Fixed caret/cursor input focus after Show HTML.
- Fixed Find issue (Chrome/Safari/MSIE11).
- Fixed bold/italic/superscript/subscript/strikethrough handling of other styling (Chrome/Safari).
- Added missing icons for alternative editor/toolbar styles.
- Fixed web editor Edit Image input placement for iPad.
- Added hierarchical folders for content selector.
- Fixed Insert Hyperlink / Insert Media window sizes (Microsoft Internet Explorer 11).
- Improved handling of font name and size.
- Fixed Show HTML issue (Microsoft Internet Explorer).
- Fixed content selection issue (Microsoft Internet Explorer 11).
- Various other improvements.
27th April 2015Asbru Web Content Editor v9.2 releasedAsbru Web Content Editor v9.2 has been released. This version of the
cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor for Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla, Safari and Chrome web browsers adds:
- Added Insert Hyperlink and Insert Media support for Apple iOS.
- Added spell checking support for web browsers with "X-XSS-Protection" protection enabled.
- Fixed spell checking issue.
- Fixed Find issue (Chrome/Safari/MSIE11).
- Fixed caret/cursor input focus after Show HTML (MSIE11).
- Fixed bold/italic/superscript/subscript/strikethrough handling of other styling (Chrome/Safari).
- Various other improvements.
7th November 2014Asbru Web Content Editor v9.1.5 releasedAsbru Web Content Editor v9.1.5 has been released. This version of the
cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor for Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla, Safari and Chrome web browsers adds:
- Added Safari iOS 8 support.
- Added Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 support.
- Added HTML5 support.
- Added support for "html4" and "html5" formats (default "html" format is "html5").
- Added Format Block main, section, article, header, footer, nav, aside, figure, figcaption, details, summary format tags.
- Added Insert Form email, search, tel, url, number, range, datetime, datetimelocal, month, week, date, color, list, datalist, keygen, output input tags.
- Added Insert Form required, novalidate, autocomplete, placeholder, pattern, multiple, oninput, oninvalid input tags attributes.
- Added "formmenu4" "formmenu5" toolbar buttons for separated HTML4 and HTML5 Insert Form input tags (default "formmenu" includes all input tags).
- Added Insert Media file groups and types and output of HTML5 audio and video tags.
- Added Text Formatting mark tags.
- Added canvas tags.
- Improved handling of "enter" key.
- Improved toolbar menu options handling.
- Improved windows size handling.
- Improved DOM Inspector tag handling (MSIE).
- Improved table/row/column/cell properties handling (MSIE).
- Improved indent handling of content (Chrome/Safari).
- Fixed delete table column issue.
- Fixed Insert List Input issue.
- Fixed web content editor focus issue (MSIE).
- Fixed superscript/subscript issue (Chrome/Safari).
- Fixed link handling issue (Chrome/Safari).
- Various other improvements.
2nd September 2013Asbru Web Content Editor v7.1.18 releasedAsbru Web Content Editor v7.1.18 has been released. This version of the
cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor for Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla and Safari web browsers adds:
- Improved web content editor context menu alignment.
- Added workaround for Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 Javascript engine error (Microsoft Internet Explorer).
- Added workaround for Apple Safari and Google Chrome IFRAME style sheet reloading error (Apple Safari) (Google Chrome).
- Improved handling of bold, italic, superscript and subscript (Apple Safari) (Google Chrome).
- Improved handling of indentation (Apple Safari) (Google Chrome) (Microsoft Internet Explorer).
- Various other improvements.
11th February 2013Asbru Web Content Editor v7.1.16 releasedAsbru Web Content Editor v7.1.16 has been released. This version of the
cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor for Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla and Safari web browsers adds:
- Added Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 support.
- Added Apple iPad and iPhone iOS 6 support.
- Added Apple iPad and iPhone iOS 6 support for photo and video file upload.
- Added Insert Frame Name and Title attributes.
- Added workaround for Justify errors/limitations in recent web browser versions (Mozilla).
- Fixed NOSCRIPT tag handling.
- Fixed Insert Media onMouseOver and onMouseOut attributes handling.
- Fixed Insert Hyperlink and Insert Media access to all content items for superadmin website administrator.
- Fixed "webeditor.cssFontSize" special configuration setting handling of font-size attribute values.
- Fixed "webeditor.encodeUnknowCharCodes" special configuration setting handling of preview of international special characters.
- Various other improvements.
11th June 2012Asbru Web Content Editor v7.1.13 releasedAsbru Web Content Editor v7.1.13 has been released. This version of the
cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor for Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla and Safari web browsers adds:
- Added alternative text attribute for Insert Image Button.
- Added configuration setting to use "hex" colour codes instead of "rgb(###,###,###)" colour codes (webeditor.cssRGB = "hex";).
- Added configuration setting to use colour names instead of "rgb(###,###,###)" colour codes (webeditor.cssRGB = "name";).
- Improved HTML 4/5 compliant output in "html" and "xhtml" output mode.
- Improved "html" and "xhtml" output mode HTML code using CSS STYLE attributes instead of FONT, U, NOBR and ALIGN tags and attributes.
- Improved handling of HREF="/" for other tags than A and IFRAME in "html" and "xhtml" output mode.
- Improved handling of empty SPAN tags.
- Improved hyperlink handling.
- Fixed handling of partially matching relative URLs.
- Fixed HTML output in "xhtml" output mode.
- Fixed handling of "default" colour.
- Improved PHP 5.3 regular expression handling (PHP).
- Added default use of STYLE="margin-left: 40px" instead of BLOCKQUOTE for indentation (Microsoft Internet Explorer).
- Improved selection handling (Microsoft Internet Explorer).
- Improved handling of added dummy "complete" attributes (Microsoft Internet Explorer).
- Improved default mode HTML code handling of extraneous IMG/IFRAME BACKGROUND/HREF="/" attributes (Microsoft Internet Explorer).
- Improved Insert Media image replacement (Microsoft Internet Explorer).
- Improved Insert Hyperlink for image (Microsoft Internet Explorer).
- Improved handling of relative URLs (Microsoft Internet Explorer).
- Improved content indentation using CSS STYLE attributes instead of BLOCKQUOTE tags (Microsoft Internet Explorer).
- Added image drag and drop absolute positioning (Safari).
- Improved handling of added dummy image attributes (Safari).
- Improved selection of "file" and "image" inputs (Safari).
- Improved handling of Insert Special Character (Safari).
- Improved "select all" handling (Safari).
- Improved copy/cut and paste (Safari).
- Fixed updating of selected tag attributes (Safari).
- Added default use of EM instead of SPAN STYLE="font-style: italic;" (webeditor.italicAsEm = true;) (Mozilla Firefox).
- Added default use of STRONG instead of SPAN STYLE="font-weight: bold;" (webeditor.boldAsStrong = true;) (Mozilla Firefox).
- Added default use of STRIKE instead of SPAN STYLE="text-decoration: line-through;" (webeditor.striketroughAsStrike = true;) (Mozilla Firefox).
- Improved Insert Horizontal Rule without "style" attributes (Mozilla Firefox).
- Various other improvements.
5th September 2011Asbru Web Content Editor v7.1.9 releasedAsbru Web Content Editor v7.1.9 has been released. This version of the
cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor for Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla and Safari web browsers adds:
- Improved support for Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.
- Fixed web content editor insert hyperlink problems replacing an existing link (MSIE).
- Fixed handling of international characters for web editor toolbar button dialogue windows.
- Various other improvements.
11th April 2011Asbru Web Content Editor v7.1.7 releasedAsbru Web Content Editor v7.1.7 has been released. This version of the
cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor for Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla and Safari web browsers adds:
- Added support for Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.
- Improved performance (MSIE).
- Various other improvements.
7th February 2011Asbru Web Content Editor v7.1.6 releasedAsbru Web Content Editor v7.1.6 has been released. This version of the
cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor for Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla and Safari web browsers adds:
- Improved handling of copied and pasted URLs.
- Improved split merged table rows.
- Improved image copy and paste handling.
- Fixed "//" URL problem.
- Fixed absolute/relative image URL problem for content items published to static filenames (Mozilla).
- Fixed absolute/relative image URL problem for content items not published to static filenames (Mozilla).
- Fixed copy and paste replacement of image problem (Microsoft Internet Explorer).
- Improved link copy and paste handling.
- Fixed problem with partially identical domain names such as "foo.com" and "foo.com.jp".
- Improved handling of international characters in web content editor dialogue windows (Microsoft Internet Explorer).
- Improved performance with large numbers of content group/type menu items.
- Fixed problem with applying "Bulleted List", "Definition" and "Definition Term" formatting (Mozilla).
- Fixed insert/paste problem (Microsoft Internet Explorer).
- Fixed select all content problem (Safari).
- Added find functionality (Safari).
- Various other improvements.
15th February 2010Asbru Web Content Editor v7.1.4 releasedAsbru Web Content Editor v7.1.4 has been released. This version of the
cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor for Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla and Safari web browsers adds:
- Improved base href and URL handling.
- Improved <script>, <% %>,
<? ?>, <?php ?> tag handling.
- Improved onEnter custom output handling (Safari/Google).
- Various other improvements.
27th October 2009Asbru Web Content Editor v7.1.2 releasedAsbru Web Content Editor v7.1.2 has been released. This version of the
cross-browser/cross-platform web content editor for Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla and Safari web browsers adds:
- Improved support for Apple Safari 4.
- Improved support for Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.
- Improved web content editor loading/initialization detection.
- Improved handling of UTF-8 encoded and international special characters in group/type names.
- Improved handling of drop-down select options with multiple web content editor input fields.
- Improved handling of copied and pasted A HREF and IMG SRC attributes.
- Improved handling of dragged and dropped A HREF and IMG SRC attributes. (Safari)
- Fixed handling of HTML FORM INPUT fields in edited content. (Microsoft Internet Explorer)

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